Who is Sheldon Cottrell?
Sheldon Cottrell is an West Indies cricketer.
What is the date of birth Sheldon Cottrell?
Sheldon Cottrell is born on 30 August 1989
What is Sheldon Cottrell age?
Sheldon Cottrell age is 35 years, 4 months, 2 days
Where did Sheldon Cottrell born?
Sheldon Cottrell is born in Kingston, Jamaica
What is the nickname of Sheldon Cottrell?
Sheldon Cottrell nickname is Colonel
What is name of Sheldon Cottrell Wife?
Sheldon Cottrell wife is Toni-Ann Williams
What is the name of Sheldon Cottrell son or daughter?
son- Sheldon Jr, Daughter-Aaliyah
Which cricket teams has Sheldon Cottrell played for ?
Sheldon Cottrell played for
Desert Vipers
, Manipal Tigers
, Multan Sultans
, Rangpur Riders
, St Kitts & Nevis Patriots
, West Indies
What is the Sheldon Cottrell jersey number?
Sheldon Cottrell jersey number is 19 (West Indies)
Last Updated: November 21, 2023