Who is Sharjeel Khan?
Sharjeel Khan is an Pakistan cricketer.
What is the date of birth Sharjeel Khan?
Sharjeel Khan is born on 14 August 1989
What is Sharjeel Khan age?
Sharjeel Khan age is 35 years, 4 months, 19 days
Where did Sharjeel Khan born?
Sharjeel Khan is born in Hyderabad, Sind Pakistan
What is name of Sharjeel Khan Wife?
Sharjeel Khan wife is Mahnoor Sharjeel
What is the name of Sharjeel Khan son or daughter?
Shahwaiz, Aayyat Noor and Asmara Noor
Which cricket teams has Sharjeel Khan played for ?
Sharjeel Khan played for
Durban Wolves
, Islamabad United
, Karachi Kings
, Khulna Tigers
, Morrisville Samp Army
, Pakistan
What is the Sharjeel Khan jersey number?
Sharjeel Khan jersey number is #98 (National Side)
Last Updated: September 15, 2024