Who is Rory Burns?
Rory Burns is an England cricketer.
What is the date of birth Rory Burns?
Rory Burns is born on 26 August 1990
What is Rory Burns age?
Rory Burns age is 34 years, 4 months, 7 days
Where did Rory Burns born?
Rory Burns is born in Epsom, Surrey
What is the nickname of Rory Burns?
Rory Burns nickname is Rory
What is name of Rory Burns Wife?
Rory Burns wife is Victoria Purcell.
What is the name of Rory Burns son or daughter?
Cora (Daughter)
Which cricket teams has Rory Burns played for ?
Rory Burns played for
, Oval Invincibles Men
What is the Rory Burns jersey number?
Rory Burns jersey number is #17 (England)
Last Updated: January 03, 2024