Who is Rahul Chahar?
Rahul Chahar is an India cricketer.
What is the date of birth Rahul Chahar?
Rahul Chahar is born on 04 August 1999
What is Rahul Chahar age?
Rahul Chahar age is 25 years, 4 months, 26 days
Where did Rahul Chahar born?
Rahul Chahar is born in Bharaatpur, Rajasthan
What is the nickname of Rahul Chahar?
Rahul Chahar nickname is Sherry
What is name of Rahul Chahar Wife?
Rahul Chahar wife is Ishani Johar (fashion designer)
Which cricket teams has Rahul Chahar played for ?
Rahul Chahar played for
, India A
, Mumbai Indians
, Punjab Kings
, Sunrisers Hyderabad
What is the Rahul Chahar jersey number?
Rahul Chahar jersey number is 28 (India)
Last Updated: February 09, 2024