Who is Munaf Patel?
Munaf Patel is an India cricketer.
What is the date of birth Munaf Patel?
Munaf Patel is born on 12 July 1983
What is Munaf Patel age?
Munaf Patel age is 41 years, 8 months, 18 days
Where did Munaf Patel born?
Munaf Patel is born in Ikhar village in Bharuch, Gujarat
What is the nickname of Munaf Patel?
Munaf Patel nickname is Munna
What is name of Munaf Patel Wife?
Munaf Patel wife is Talsima Patel
Which cricket teams has Munaf Patel played for ?
Munaf Patel played for
, India Capitals
, Indian Royals
, Mumbai Indians
, Rajasthan Kings
, Rajasthan Royals
What is the Munaf Patel jersey number?
Munaf Patel jersey number is 13 (India)
13 (IPL)
Last Updated: November 18, 2024