Who is Azmatullah Omarzai ?
Azmatullah Omarzai is an Afghanistan cricketer.
What is the date of birth Azmatullah Omarzai ?
Azmatullah Omarzai is born on 24 March 2000
What is Azmatullah Omarzai age?
Azmatullah Omarzai age is 24 years, 9 months, 9 days
Where did Azmatullah Omarzai born?
Azmatullah Omarzai is born in Nangarhar, Afghanistan
What is the nickname of Azmatullah Omarzai ?
Azmatullah Omarzai nickname is Omar
Which cricket teams has Azmatullah Omarzai played for ?
Azmatullah Omarzai played for
, Afghanistan U19
, Antigua & Barbuda Falcons
, Gujarat Titans
, Jaffna Kings
, MI Cape Town
, Montreal Tigers
, Northern Warriors
, Peshawar Zalmi
, Rangpur Riders
What is the Azmatullah Omarzai jersey number?
Azmatullah Omarzai jersey number is #9 (National Side)
Last Updated: September 01, 2024