Who is Ahmed Shehzad?
Ahmed Shehzad is an Pakistan cricketer.
What is the date of birth Ahmed Shehzad?
Ahmed Shehzad is born on 23 November 1991
What is Ahmed Shehzad age?
Ahmed Shehzad age is 33 years, 1 months, 7 days
Where did Ahmed Shehzad born?
Ahmed Shehzad is born in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
What is the nickname of Ahmed Shehzad?
Ahmed Shehzad nickname is Shehzada (Prince), Shezzy, Selfie King
What is name of Ahmed Shehzad Wife?
Ahmed Shehzad wife is Sana Murad
What is the name of Ahmed Shehzad son or daughter?
son- Ali
Which cricket teams has Ahmed Shehzad played for ?
Ahmed Shehzad played for
Comilla Victorians
, Fortune Barishal
, Jamaica Tallawahs
, Pakistan
, Quetta Gladiators
, Rangpur Riders
What is the Ahmed Shehzad jersey number?
Ahmed Shehzad jersey number is 19 (Pakistan)
19 (PSL)
Last Updated: January 27, 2024